
Look how moody and monotone I am.
With all the hooplah surrounding 500 Days of Summer, it was inevitable that I would get caught into it. I am excited to see it and now that a theater I don't have to make any effort to get to has it, I will feed that film to my eye mouths. I just wish Zooey Deschanel wasn't in it.

I don't get it. Seriously. I've seen a lot of movies she's been in, and if I am to understand the love for her, talking monotone and playing the same character every time means she's one of the greatest actresses going today. I'm sorry, but that is just plain bullshit. I don't get excited when she's in movies, and when I watch them with her involved, I usually tune her character out because she is BORING TO WATCH. Yes Man, Eulogy, Tin Man...seriously, does she even try, or is she just using her looks to get people to believe she's better than she is (Jessica Alba Syndrome)?

That's not even the bad part. To me, she comes off as pretentious and very self-involved, like her shit doesn't stink. If I were her, I wouldn't let a bunch of virgins and socially awkward hipster losers swell my head. I won't even get into her music career, because it's barely there and has not produced anything particularly awe-inspiring or original, so we'll leave that be.

Zooey Deschanel: you're cute, and you're monotone hipster chick thing worked once...but you need to stop showing up on things I watch so I can actually enjoy them.


On second thought, maybe I'll avoid 500 Days of Summer.


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