
GothCard. Never buy flower-themed chicks without it.
The first two Batman films, released in 1989 and 1991 and directed by Tim Burton, set the world on fire. Although Batman had been around in popular culture for a long time, it was generally either low-budgeted (the serials in the 40’s) or the hokey (the Adam West show from the 1960’s). When Batman was released, people took notice: it took the character seriously and its world seriously. Things got even darker in Batman Returns, which features Danny DeVito in the role no one else could ever even try to play: The Penguin. Yes sir, Batman fans finally got not one, but two adaptations that they could be proud of.

As we all know, all good things must come to an end, and Tim Burton decided to sit out for Batman Forever, staying on only in a producer role. Who would replace him? The man that chills the veins of Batman fans everywhere: Joel Schumacher. Director of films like The Lost Boys and St. Elmo’s Fire in the 80’s, his debut in the franchise left a lot to be desired, with a bit of a more hokey spin on it and featuring the charisma vacuum known as Val Kilmer replacing the great Michael Keaton in the title role. However, it would his next film, Batman and Robin, that would kill the franchise off until 2005 when Christopher Nolan revitalized it with Batman Begins. This film is Batman and Robin.

Wait a minute, Trivialville citizens. This is not going to be a slam on the film, oh no no no. Many film sites, film buffs, and crazy film hobos have done this in the past, with funny to annoying results. I am here, as a card carrying Batman nerd (movies, comics, TV shows, you name it), to admit this: I love Batman and Robin.

Sure, it’s got its flaws. It’s bright neon for the whole movie and some of the character designs are gaudy and painful to look at (Batnipples are pretty awkward to look at when you’re 11). The dialogue is bad and the plot is even worse. You know what? Joel Schumacher did not direct a turd: he directed a campy B-movie with a huge budget. I feel like everyone who shits on this movie does not sit back and enjoy it for what it is, and instead spends time in their BatUnderoos jerking off to BatSlash on the BatNet. Fans of any property can get really serious and judgmental, and that’s what happened here: they could not just sit back and enjoy the ride. No, they compared it to the rest of the series and slapped it down because it wasn’t as dark or it wasn’t as good. Yes, it isn’t as good, but it’s different. You can’t compare the two, they are two different visions by two different people.

Batman and Robin has hilarious moments: the Batman credit card (expiration: FOREVER), the Poison Ivy genesis scene, and the entire character and aura of Mr. Freeze (played by Arnold Schwartzenegger). Freeze easily tops Two-Face and The Riddler from the last film, as he may be dumb, but at least he is entertaining (for my money, Batman Forever is unwatchable. I can’t stomach it in the slightest). Everything, from his look, to his cold puns (“let’s kick some ice!”), to his frozen lair where he makes his minions sing songs from the old 50’s Christmas stop motion cartoons, he is just so ridiculous you can’t hate him. Over the top, sure, but absolute ridiculous GENIUS.

Look, we all were shocked when the film came out in 1997. It was a departure from the other ones, and yes compared to the first two (I refuse to count Batman Forever as good), it wasn’t as thematically sound. Listen Batman fans: suck it up, get over yourselves, and give it another watch, expecting a high budgeted B-movie. You’ll enjoy it better that way.

And if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a friend who would like to say a few words…

Senhor Vicente
8/9/2009 05:06:27 am

"...charisma vacuum known as Val Kilmer..."

My rage is white hot... FOCUSED AND WHITE HOT!!!!

I could easily go on for pages defending Val Kilmer, but let me just say that the quality work he has done greatly surpasses the absolute drivel he's been involved in. You, my dear friend, are blind to his genius.

Thanks for the Mr. Freeze clip though...



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