
The "Saw" series, for my money, is one of the better film franchises going. Although many have said it's lost steam as time has gone on, you cannot deny the fact that every year, you're guaranteed some blood, some guts, and even a little story. As Halloween edges close, Lionsgate has released the teaser trailer for Saw 6, which is being shown before Orphan.

From the trailer, you cannot really tell what is going on, as it just leads you into many CGI rooms with monitors displaying the action. However, the blurb about it states that (SPOILERS) Detective Hoffman has become the new Jigsaw and now has to fend off the FBI.

I admit, I have not seen the 5th film, but I found the 4th to be a worthy entry in the series. As time gets near, I may go through all five Saw movies in anticipation for the 6th.

Anyway, watch the trailer below, let me know what you think.

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