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According to industry rumors (see how professional and attractive I sound?), Godzilla is going to be remade once again for American audiences. The company, Legendary Pictures, is responsible for such movies as The Dark Knight and others that aren't The Dark Knight. Godzilla fans should be pumped: Legendary Pictures seems to have their heads on straight as far as a studio goes and have made some badass films in the past few years (Dark Knight, Dark Knight, Watchmen).

This is the part where everyone is going to say "it'll probably be better than P.O.S. 1998 Roland Emmerich debacle", but you know what? I love that movie, so shut your mouth! Granted, I can see why people hate it, but that's a big part of my childhood. Let's just hope that whoever makes this movie either does a really good update from the 50's version or throws in some crazy ass monster fights. As much as I dig the 1998 version...raptor-zillas aren't exactly cool you know?

Oh and if Legendary Pictures is reading...I'm free to write the script. In fact, I'll pay YOU for the chance. No I won't. Okay, yes I will.


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