

Source: Box Office Mojo and

1. G-Force - 31.7 million(31.7M)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 29.5 million(221M)
The Ugly Truth - 27.6 million(27.6M)
Orphan - 12.9 million(12.9M)
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - 8.41 million(171M)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 8.12 million(379M)
The Hangover - 6.46 million(247M)
The Proposal - 6.38 million(140M)
Public Enemies - 4.35 million(88.3M)
Bruno - 2.83 million(56.6M)

This week at the box office was no shocker, at least to me since I work at a movie theater. G-Force brought in all the families, with parents looking to shut their kids up by bringing them to the theater and avoiding as much contact with them as humanly possible. The guinea pig holocaust drama beat out Harry Potter 6, which dropped a ridiculous 62% in its second week, reinstilling my faith in the fact that people finally realize that Harry Potter is stupid and not worth supporting...although it already made 221 million, but a man can dream right?

A franchise people still support, however, is Transformers and it is on track to clear or nearly clear 400 million by the time it is pushed out of theaters. Dear America: please stop letting Michael Bay think his movies are good. Seriously.

Other new releases, The Ugly Truth and Orphan, did well, with Orphan doing better than my managers thought it would. Hell, with Peter Saarsgard in it, I'm surprised anyone even saw it. Who honestly likes him? Seriously? Exactly. None of you. Ugly Truth at least has Gerard Butler, who straddles the line of being typecast in two genres (romantic comedy and action). I wanna see him make a spaghetti western. They don't exist anymore though.

Bruno has officially tanked. Sasha Baron Cohen will not be stuck playing himself. Rumors of his impending suicide are unconfirmed.

NEW RELEASES NEXT WEEK: Judd Apatow's new movie Funny People (yay), the kid film Aliens in the Attic (boo), and the horror movie no one will see The Collector (meh). Come back next week for more "funny funny" rants.